Step By Step Walkthrough Of Slingshot

1- Login/Sign Up Page

The user will land on the below page by using the link -

Below is the sign up page for the first time user, they can fill in their details here.

This is the login page for the already existing users.

2- Entering Credentials

The user needs to login by using their credentials.

3- Homepage With List Of Existing Products

The list of already existing products will appear below.

4- By Clicking On The Side Bar The Following Options Will Pop Up

Users can Log Out or view projects by selecting the options in the bar.

5- By Clicking On The Add More Button The Below Page Will Open Up

6- Page With Main Question

Users can modify the greetings/options available in the feedback.

Users can add customized questions here

7- Simple Web Configuration

8- Programmatic Web Configuration

9- The Product Gets Created

10- By Clicking On The View Report Button The Following Page Will Open Up

Product Market Fit Graph

Word Cloud

11- By Clicking On The Code Button The Following Snippet Will Open

Getting Started with Slingshot

Setting up a project and product survey form in Slingshot involves several steps to ensure customization and effective data collection.

Setting Up a Project

Accessing the Interface:

After signing up and landing on the homepage, locate and click on ‘Add New’ typically found in the top right corner of the interface.

Entering Product Details:

Fill in the required details:


Setting Up the Product Survey Form

Customising Responses

Adding Follow-Up Questions:


There are two types of configurations:


1. Define When to Show the Survey

a. Number of Visits:
b. Session Duration:

2. Customise Survey Interaction

a. Skip Option:

3. Specify Pages to Exclude

To ensure a seamless browsing experience, you can specify which pages on your website should not display the survey:

a. Excluded Pages:

Implementation Example:

Let’s say you want to show the survey after a user visits your website at least 5 times and spends more than 60 seconds in a session. You also want to allow users to skip the survey, and you want to exclude the survey from appearing on certain pages:



In order to use multiple conditions for displaying the surveys programmatic configuration can be used, we have two clause options to select from “Count” and “Match” and can also mark how we want the condition to follow by selecting “All” or “Any” option.

1. Clause Options:

2. Condition Logic:

These features are powerful because they allow you to tailor the survey’s appearance based on specific behaviours, demographics, or other criteria important to your research or engagement goals.

  • Count:This might involve setting a numerical threshold, such as displaying the survey after a user has performed a certain action a specified number of times.
  • Match: This could involve matching specific criteria, such as displaying the survey to users who meet certain demographic characteristics or behavioural patterns.
  • Equal:The survey displays if the event occurs exactly as many times or meets the exact criteria specified.
  • Greater: The survey displays if the event occurs more times or exceeds the specified criteria.


To install Slingshot into your product, follow these steps as outlined:

Steps to Install Slingshot

  • Loading the Slingshot JavaScript library (slingshots.js) from a remote source.
  • Initializing the Slingshot instance with your API key.
  • Assigning the Slingshot instance to the  window.slingshot global variable for accessibility.
  • Open your application in an incognito mode or clear the cache to ensure the latest scripts are loaded.
  • Test the functionality of Slingshot within your application to ensure proper integration.

To fire customized events based on specific conditions configured in Slingshot, follow these steps:

Setting Up Customized Event Configuration

  • Event Name: ProductListCount
  • Clause: Count
  • Condition: Greater than or equal to 5 (≥5)

Firing Customized Events from Your Code Base

For example, if you have a product list and you want to trigger the ProductListCount event when there are 5 or more items in the list, you can do something like this:


By following these steps, you can integrate customized event firing based on specific conditions into your application using Slingshot. This allows you to leverage Slingshot’s capabilities to track and manage user interactions or conditions within your application effectively.


Slingshot’s flexibility in survey customisation is indeed valuable for tailoring surveys to specific needs and adjusting them dynamically based on feedback or changing requirements. Here’s how Slingshot facilitates this:

Modifying Existing Questions

Adding New Questions


Slingshot offers valuable tools for analyzing customer feedback! The techniques that we are using here —product market fit (PMF) graph and word cloud analysis—are quite effective for gaining insights from customer responses.

Combining these two techniques allows Slingshot to provide comprehensive insights into customer sentiment and preferences. The PMF graph offers a temporal view of feedback accumulation, while the word cloud highlights recurring themes and sentiments expressed by customers. Together, they provide a powerful tool set for understanding customer feedback and making data-driven decisions to enhance products or services.

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